Thursday 27 June 2013

i am light affirmations

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

All who come into my presence are healed.

All who come into my presence are healed.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

Let this be your affirmation for the day and be aware of how it impacts your day. See the greatness that lies with in and allow it to come forward more and more in your everyday life. At the same time be aware that you are human and learning and growing. Be gentle with yourself as you walk your path.

And so embrace your humanness and embrace your divinity. Shine your light, be patient with yourself and carry on.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

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