Thursday 20 June 2013

Creator's Love- God Calling

The Creator is love,

The Source of love,

And the origin of your Beingness.

In that image you were created.

Love is the imprint of your Beingness.

In knowing that, you will understand why lesser actions fall short.

But more importantly,

You will begin unfolding that special nature

Which you were really created to be.

Think not of love as an action, however,

Nor as a magnitude of effectiveness.

Love is not a quantity,

But a quality of Beingness

That brings forth rightness of action.

Your character is the summarization of your love.

Love is universally free.

Thus, in being love, so are you.

Love commands the adamantine particles,

Thus in being Love you take command of your life.

Love is the master of conditions,

Not the servant of them

Thus in being love, you are no man’s slave.

Love is the law,

And any law is only as valid as it is rooted in love.

By this, all men shall know the law

And be equal under it.

This is why I left you with only two commandments:

To love God with all your heart,

And your neighbor as yourself.

Love is universally resonant with all of life,

And in being love you are also resonant with life.

There are no conditions to the truth of who you are.

It is your sacred right to be the love that you are,

And that is unconditional.

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