Monday 15 July 2013

world is beautiful and lovable .
each person has his darker parts .instead off seeing his darker parts and criticizing him .can we forgive him .and can we take anything he good sharing to this world. appreciating good part him and forgiving bad part off him.can we see his heart and divine presence in him and forgiving his ego part who is doing bad work .praying to higher masters to heal him and let his darker come in light .is it possible .may some time it is difficult because those people has hurted us .but for our spiritual growth and for his spiritual growth can we forgive that person or community whose bad experience come to us. .i think that will practical approach to grow spiritually with love and light..

Friday 12 July 2013

Love is our gift to the world. The world benefits from our gift and we benefit from the gifts of the world for our own sustenance. When a baby is born, she has nothing to offer the world, nothing but love and the child requires the love of family and others to grow and develop.
love is something that is born out of connection. As humans, we have the ability to connect and we can live our entire lives in that state of being fully and lovingly connected.
It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love. Every movement, every glance, every thought, and every word can be infused with love."

if love is a reciprocated force alive only through connectivity, then how do we “be” love? We become love when we realize that we are channels through which love flows. This is an amazing concept. You see, as a species we are rising beyond material consciousness. Those who are lagging a bit might be wishing our essence was something that could be grasped, pinned down and claimed. But, the beauty of our essence in being channels is that we are able to share the love and the light and expand it.
divine light is knowledge in the greatest sense, which quite literally enlightens us to the true nature of who we are; whereas, the dark, clouds us from seeing our true natures and traps us in fear, jealousy and other low vibrational states of being; light always lightens

So there you have it: You are a conduit for love. You become love by being it. You be love by allowing your every breath, your every sentiment, and your every action to be infused with that sense of intimacy and connectivity and by seeing love all around you. Love is our fuel. See the world through love and give it love through your thoughts, actions and meditations. That is your gift and your gift may manifest itself in the most wondrous and mysterious ways.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

masters .angels tell .what earth you want focus on it .we want earth of unconditional love and forgiveness and everybody is connected to light and love. all we have thought power and law off attraction and quantum physics science power which vibration affect we all are connected to light we have to focus on self healing according to divine guidance and simultaneously radiates light and love to mother earth and as per divine guidance start educating message off light to humanity.

Do not believe in Morality .morality create judgement off right and wrong . Be live in unconditional love and forgiveness .accept imperfection in human being they are good and bad also .accept them as whole being . pray god let darker part human being come in to light and love.